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The origins of?April Fair??dates back to 25 August??1846??when two entrepreneurs settled in the city,??Narciso Bonaplata??(Catalan) and??Jos? Mar?a de Ybarra??(Basque) who proposed to the??City Council??to authorize the days 19, 20 and April 21 to organize a annual fair.?Permission was granted after a "give and take" with the mayor of Montelirio Conde, who had pointed out to them the existence of two other fairs in neighboring countries, the livestock in??Mairena del Alcor??(the Fair is the oldest in Andalusia , from 1441) and that of Sanlucar la Mayor, which was created by Ferdinand IV, the second oldest fair in the province.??In March??1847??, Queen Elizabeth II granted the privilege in Seville to celebrate his fair one month after the livestock, lasting three days.

Dance and have fun this is the main feature of the???Feria de Abril?in Seville where the girls dance the flamenco and spend magical moments with your friends or familiari.ascoltando good music with beautiful classical guitars.

Food and drink is one of the main pleasures enjoyed by visitors to the Fair.?All the houses and stalls offering a wide range of dishes that allow the public to satisfy their hunger or thirst, at any time of the day.

Undoubtedly, the first major meeting of the gastronomic fair is the "Night of the??fish??. "?This dinner, recently added to the traditional uses of the city, is limited only to members of the stalls and is held on Monday to strengthen the friendship between them.??E this event usually takes place around midnight.?The main course, as the name indicates, is fried fish.?It is customary to serve a selection of fresh fish, like pijotas, anchovy, hake, plaice, squid and marinade.

The houses are so call them stalls have??the floor and walls of wood and covered with a tarpaulin.?The houses vary in terms of type and size.?There are numerous models?and the application to open the new is so high that you are thinking of finding a new location for the weekday in a not too distant future.

The "pony car" is the only means of transport allowed the Real de la Feria, and it always has been and always should be, except for vehicles necessary to the health, care and public safety, which can be motorized.

Since the beginning of its existence, during the Feria everyone did show off the most beautiful cars on the roads in Spain, often are competing with each other, with their horses and their noble drivers, each dress with special ornaments and agghindando also horses with bows, bells and rattles.

In these days takes place in Seville Feria de Abril (April Fair) of?

Source: http://howtotravelwell.blogspot.com/2013/04/in-seville-there-is-feria-de-abril.html

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